Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Questions : Light and Shadow

 Light and Shadow

Q.1. What are the different sources of light?

Q.2.  How are shadows made?

Q.3. How does light travel?

Q.4. What are some of the things that light can pass through?

Q.5. Sun is the source of what?

Q.6. What is necessary to see objects around us?

Q.7. How are eyes useful to see things?

Q.8. Name the various sources of light.

Q.9. Which is the main source of light?

Q.10. What are the objects blocking light called?

Q.11. Give some examples of objects which block light.

Q.12. What happens when an opaque object blocks all light?

Q.13. Where are shadows formed?

Q.14. How does the length of a shadow differ in various daytime?

Q.15. How are shadows formed at night?

Q.16. What are the objects through which light can pass called?

Q.17. What are translucent objects?

Questions : Energy


Q.1. What is necessary for anything to happen?

Q.2. What kind of energy is given by the Sun?

Q.3. Which kind of energy is used by street lamps?

Q.4. Name some means of transport which use energy?

Q.5. How is energy helpful to us?

Q.6. How are we able to do different things?

Q.7. Where does the energy to do different things come from?

Q.8. What is energy?

Q.9. What are the different forms of energy?

Q.10. What are the two types of energy?

Q.11. What is stored energy called?

Q.12. What is moving energy called?

Questions : Sound


Q.1. What do you mean by sound?

Q.2. How do we hear sounds?

Q.3. Are all sounds liked by you?

Q.4. What sounds do you not want to listen to?

Q.5. Give six examples of the sound you have heard.

Q.6. What produces sound?

Q.7. A sound can travel what mediums?

Q.8. What causes sound waves?

Q.9. How does the speed of vibration affect sound?

Q.10. What is the scientific study of sound waves called?

Q.11. How do animals use sound?

Q.12. How is a noise created?

Q.13. How is a musical sound produced?

Questions : Simple Machines

 Simple Machines

Q.1. Why did man invent machines?

Q.2. What is work in Science?

Q.3. What is a machine?

Q.4. Name some simple Machines.

Q.5. Name the basic types of simple machines.

Q.6. How is an inclined plane useful?

Q.7. What is an inclined plane?

Q.8. What is a wedge?

Q.9. How is a wedge helpful to us?

Q.10. Give an example of wedge.

Q.11. What is a lever?

Q.12. What is the fixed point of a lever called?

Q.13. What is a wheel and axle?

Q.14. Give an example of a wheel and axle.

Q.15. What is a screw?

Q.16. How is a screw helpful to us?

Q.17. Give an example of a screw.

Q.18. What is a pulley?

Q.19. How is pulley helpful to us?

Q.20. Give an example of a pulley.

Questions : The Earth Beyond

 The Earth and Beyond

Q.1. We live on planet Earth. Why?

Q.2. Sun is very important for all living things. Why?

Q.3. When do we see stars?

Q.4. What are heavenly bodies?

Q.5. What are planets?

Q.6. What is the solar system?

Q.7. What is astronomy?

Q.8. Who are astronomers?

Q.9. Name one dwarf planet.

Q.10. What is the period of revolution of Earth around the Sun?

Q.11. What is the period of rotation of Earth?

Q.12. What is the cause of day and night on Earth?

Q.13. What is a globe?

Q.14. What is the atmosphere?

Q.15. What are satellites?

Q.16. Name the satellite of the Earth.

Q.17. What is the period of revolution of the moon?

Q.18. Why does the moon shine?

Q.19. What are the different shapes of the moon called?

Q.20. What are stars?

Q.21. What are constellations?

Questions : Natural and Man Made Materials

 Natural and Man-made materials

Q.1. Name ten things you find around you. Tell the name of the material they are made up of.

Q.2. Trees are important for man-made things and non-living things. How?

Q.3. What gives us sugar?

Q.4. What gives us our clothes?

Q.5. What is the classification of materials?

Q.6. How do we obtain different materials around us?

Q.7. What are natural materials?

Q.8. Name four items which we get from animals?

Q.9. Name four items which we get from plants?

Q.10. Name three items which we get from ground?

Q.11. What is the importance of wood?

Q.12. What is the drawback of using wood?

Q.13. What gives us leather?

Q.14. What is the use of leather?

Q.15. Where do we get coal?

Q.16. What is the use of coal?

Q.17. What gives us cotton?

Q.18. What gives us silk?

Q.19. What is the use of cotton and silk?

Q.20. Where do we find iron?

Q.21. What is the use of iron?

Q.22. Where do we find crude oil?

Q.23. What is the use of crude oil?

Q.24. Name three kinds of oil which we get from plants?

Q.25. Give three examples of man-made material.

Q.26. What are man-made materials?

Questions : Forms of Water

 Forms of water

Q.1. What is the state of ice cream?

Q.2. State the forms of water.

Q.3. The form of water can change by what?

Q.4. What are the different forms of water called?

Q.5. What is evaporation?

Q.6. What is condensation?

Q.7. Explain the water cycle.

Questions : Water Around Us

 Water Around Us

Q.1. Do you think of life without water? Why and why not?

Q.2. Why should we drink clean water?

Q.3. What do you use water for? Sate as many activities.

Q.4. Life is impossible without which element.

Q.5. Water is important for whose homes?

Q.6. Which is the main source of water?

Q.7. Where is surface water collected on earth?

Q.8. What is underground water?

Q.9. Which machines are used to pump the underground water?

Q.10. Why is water from ponds, lakes and rivers not safe for drinking?

Q.11. Which water is safe for drinking?

Q.12. What are the properties of drinking water?

Q.13. What is the source of tap water?

Q.14. What is potable water?

Q.15. What is non-potable water?

Q.16. What is water-treatment?

Q.17. What are the uses of rainwater?

Q.18. Where can we store rainwater?

Q.19. What are the ways to save water?

Questions : Air Around Us

 Air Around Us

Q.1. Why do we need air?

Q.2. What makes the air clean and fresh?

Q.3. How do we feel about the air?

Q.4. Living things need air for what purpose?

Q.5. What is air?

Q.6. Name the most common gases present in air.

Q.7. Name two substances present in air which are not gases.

Q.8. Name the major component of air.

Q.9. Name the second largest component of air.

Q.10. Which gas supports burning?

Q.11. Which gas is taken in while breathing?

Q.12. Which gas is given out while breathing?

Q.13. Which gas is taken in by plants?

Q.14. Which gas is given out by plants?

Q.15. How is a plant helpful to us?

Q.16. What are the properties of air?

Q.17. What is wind?

Q.18. What is a gently blowing wind called?

Q.19. What is a storm?

Q.20. What is a very strong wind called?

Q.21. Which instrument is used to find the direction of wind?

Q.22. Which is easier, cycling against the direction of the wind or in the direction of wind.

Q.23. Do winds have force?

Q.24. What are the uses of wind?

Questions : Food


Q.1. Name the food that helps us to grow.

Q.2. Why should we eat fruits?

Q.3. Why should we eat vegetables?

Q.4. Why is food necessary for us?

Q.5. We get fruits from where?

Q.6. Which food do we get from plants?

Q.7. Animals give us which food products?

Q.8. What is breakfast?

Q.9. Which items do we take in breakfast?

Q.10. What is lunch?

Q.11. Which food items do we consume for lunch?

Q.12. What is dinner?

Q.13. Which food items do we consume for dinner?

Q.14. Who are non-vegetarians?

Q.15. Who are vegetarians?

Q.16. Which food items can we eat raw?

Q.17. Which food gives us energy?

Q.18. Why do we need energy?

Q.19. What is the function of fruits, green vegetables and milk?

Q.20. What are the properties of milk?

Q.21. What are the good food habits?

Questions : Sense Organs

 Sense Organs

Q.1. Why are our sense organs important?

Q.2. What would we do if we do not have eyes?

Q.3. What is the function of our different body parts?

Q.4. What are sense organs?

Q.5. What is the function of eyes?

Q.6. Why do we blink?

Q.7. What is the function of skin?

Q.8. What is the function of ears?

Q.9. What is the function of the nose?

Q.10. What is the function of the tongue?

Q.11. How can we take care of our skin?

Q.12. How can we take care of our eyes?

Q.13. How can we take care of our ears?

Q.14. How can we take care of our nose?

Q.15. How can we take care of our tongue and mouth?

Questions : Our Body

 Our Body

Q.1. Why should we take good care of our body?

Q.2. What do you do to keep your body healthy and strong?

Q.3. Why should we exercise daily?

Q.4. How are we different from each other?

Q.5. What is complexion?

Q.6. On what criteria are we different from each other?

Q.7. What are organs?

Q.8. What are external organs?

Q.9. Name six external organs.

Q.10. What functions do we perform with our organs?

Q.11. What are internal organs?

Q.12. What are the functions of the brain?

Q.13. What protects our brain?

Q.14. What is the function of the heart?

Q.15. What is the function of the lungs?

Q.16. What is the location of the heart?

Q.17. What is the location of the lungs?

Q.18. What protects our heart and lungs?

Q.19. What is cranium?

Q.20. What is the function of the stomach?

Q.21. What helps us in movement?

Q.22. How many bones are there in our body?

Q.23. There are more than _____ muscles in our body.

Q.24. What is the function of bone and muscles?

Q.25. What is the bony framework called?

Q.26. What is a joint?

Q.27. What is the function of skin?

Q.28. Which kind of food forms our muscles?

Q.29. How can we make our bones stronger?

Q.30. How can we make our bones and muscles stronger?

Q.31. What is a posture?

Q.32. What is the sitting posture?

Q.33. What is the standing posture?

Q.34. What is the walking posture?

Questions : Parts of Animals

 Parts of animals

Q.1. Name an animal which runs very fast.

Q.2. What do you think animals use their tails for?

Q.3. What helps the birds to fly?

Q.4. Name the different body parts of animals.

Q.5. What is a torso?

Q.6. Which body part joins the head and the torso?

Q.7. Give one name for insects, beasts, birds,animals that creep?

Q.8. Name two body parts which are joined to the torso in our body.

Q.9. What is joined to the torso in the body of a bird?

Q.10. What is joined to the torso in animals?

Q.11. Name some animals you know which have tails.

Q.12. How is a horn useful to the animals?

Q.13. Name three animals which walk on four legs.

Q.14. Name two animals which move by hopping.

Q.15. Name two animals which have short legs.

Q.16. Name three insects which have more than four legs.

Q.17. Name two animals which do not have any legs.

Q.18. How do snakes and earthworms move?

Q.19. How do birds use their legs and wings?

Q.20. Name two insects which have wings as well as legs.

Q.21. How do fish move in water?

Q.22. Name the biggest bird?

Questions : Animals Around Us

 Animals Around Us

Q.1. Name some animals that you see almost everyday.

Q.2. Which is your favourite animal? Why do you like it?

Q.3. We must not tease animals. We should be kind to them. Why?

Q.4. Do you have any pet? How do you take care of it?

Q.5. Which are wild animals?

Q.6. Where do we see wild animals?

Q.7. What is a zoo?

Q.8. What is National Park?

Q.9. Why do human beings kill wild animals?

Q.10. Who are poachers?

Q.11. What do you mean by ‘extinct’?

Q.12. What do you mean by endangered animals?

Q.13. Name some endangered animals.

Q.14. Name some extinct animals.

Q.15. Name two animals which live on trees.

Q.16. Name two animals which live on land.

Q.17. Name two animals which live in water.

Q.18. Name two animals which live in dens.

Q.19. Where do birds live?

Q.20. Name some animals which live under the trees in forests.

Q.21. Name some animals which live in the holes.

Q.22. Who are herbivores?

Q.23. Who are carnivores?

Q.24. Who are omnivores?

Q.25. Who are scavengers?

Q.26. Name four animals which give milk.

Q.27. How are silkworms and earthworms helpful?

Q.28. Name three animals which give eggs.

Q.29. Name three animals whose flesh is eaten.

Q.30. How are honey bees helpful to us?

Q.31. Which animal gives us wool?

Q.32. Name four animals which carry loads.

Q.33. Name an animal which helps in agriculture.

Questions : We cannot live without plants

 We cannot live without Plants

Q.1. Do you have plants at home?

Q.2. Who looks after them?

Q.3. Why do we need plants?

Q.4. What do you see on plants?

Q.5. Which part of the plant is eaten by us?

Q.6. Name three plants whose root is eaten.

Q.7. Name three plants whose leaves are eaten.

Q.8. Name three plants whose stem is eaten.

Q.9. Name two plants whose flower is eaten.

Q.10. Name two fruits.

Q.11. Name a plant whose seed is eaten.

Q.12. Name four plants which are used in making medicines.

Q.13. Name four seeds which are crushed to get oil.

Q.14. Name four spices.

Q.15. Name three flowers used for making perfumes.

Q.16. How is wood useful to us?

Q.17. How are plants useful for animals?

Q.18. Name two products of jute.

Q.19. Name three plants which are used to make paper.

Q.20. How are plants useful for the soil?

Q.21. How do new plants grow?

Q.22. What is an embryo?

Q.23. What is germination?

Q.24. What is the temporary supply of food for seed?

Q.25. What is inside a seed?

Q.26. Name the parts of a seed.

Q.27. What are cotyledons?

Q.28. What is a fruit?

Q.29. Name a fruit which is eaten as a vegetable.

Q.30. What is the use of a fruit?

Q.31. Draw the structure of a flower.

Q.32. Why are flowers colorful?

Q.33. What is the function of a flower?

Questions : Plant Life

 Plant Life

Q.1. Name some trees near your school.

Q.2. What are the different parts of a plant?

Q.3. You must have seen flowers. Name some.

Q.4. We should grow more and more trees. Why?

Q.5. What do you know about living things?

Q.6. What are the characteristics of living things?

Q.7. Name the different types of plants?

Q.8. Which part of the plant makes food for the plant?

Q.9. What are trees?

Q.10. What is a trunk?

Q.11. What is the lifespan of a tree?

Q.12. What are shrubs?

Q.13. What is the lifespan of a shrub?

Q.14. What are herbs?

Q.15. What are climbers?

Q.16. What are creepers?

Q.17. Is Bamboo a tree?

Q.18. What are aquatic plants?

Q.19. Name three aquatic plants?

Q.20. What kind of leaves do a cactus have?

Q.21. Name the national flower of India?

Q.22. Name two desert plants?

Q.23. What is the use of a stem?

Q.24. Name the ingredients used by leaves to prepare food?

Q.25. What is chlorophyll?

Q.26. Plants breathe through which structure?

Q.27. Where is the breathing structure present on the leaves?

Q.28. What is the use of a root?

Q.29. What are fruits?

Q.30. Which structures are borne by the branches?

Q.31. What are flowers?

Q.32. What is essential for the growth of a plant?

Lesson Plan : Plant Life

  Lesson Plan : Plant Life Introduction This is an introduction and is common to all the chapters. Those who are familiar with this can skip...